Firstly, a huge thank you to those who have been in touch to say that you are praying with us and increasing your support in one way or another for this next critical phase. As soon as we are able, many things will happen in a concentrated period of time. Thank you for helping us prepare for this. A number of folks have asked for general timescales and approximate plans reagrding the projects they are interested in, and these we've been able to mostly answer. We are geneuinely so encouraged by your interest.
However, some folks process things more like "master craftsman" or "fine artists" with an exceptional passion for detail before they are able to remotely offer help. It got me thinking... and is the reason for this blog. I guess you could call it a clarification of our ethos... keeping the main things - the main things for our future.
In all the privileges we've had of God using us as a team, we've rarely known much detail before getting going. It has always been an inital step of faith, which has led to many more steps of faith. The only certainty often is the awareness that we must offer ourselves to God's service, then after we've discovered something more of the task in hand. In my simple understanding of the bible and personal dealings with God, this seems to me to be the normal way He works... the economy He uses. Yes we bring only a little to the table - the central issue is never how much resource, gifting or qualification we have to serve him with, but rather... whether we want to do it wholeheartedly or not. In God's economy - a little lads packed lunch can go a long way (feed thousands) (Matt 14:13-21) . The issue is not what we have to give but the one who recieves, and out of his grace includes us in his plans, delighting to make us part of what he is doing in his multiplied goodness.
So what are our plans ?
Our plan is to fit in with his plans. If this season of Covid has taught us anything it is to not over plan, or try to rely on our own strategy / manipluate or drive the future. Ultimately this is not our task. The world and the details of our lives are driven with his hand on the tiller - and for this we are exceptionally thankful, and at peace.
Proverbs 16:9
The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.
There are 3 Things we are sure of in our planning - at the heart of what we do as a team.
1) We want to be a helping hand.Part of what we do will always involve practical help and graft. Yes, there are many practical needs in our world, many feeling like they face insurmountable hurdles. In a fallen world with all the consequences and ripple effects of covid, this is more so than ever. Can we microplan to allevaiate all the issues? No that is an unrealistic goal this side of heaven. What we can do is be willing to help in a small way... those who are doing great things on small budgets to share the good news of Jesus Christ. What we can do is be ready to roll up our own sleeves and give up some "me time" in order to do something more useful which will impact others for eternity. There are critical moments when every gospel pioneer or compassionate new initiative needs the help of the wider church family. We follow the servant King. Before we ever offer a cheque we will consider the more costly option of going ourselves, knowing that this is also part of God's economy. Because He has loved us first we are ready to offer help to others. This is where we delight to fit in with his plans... do you have a willingness to offer the hand of help? Are you up for coming with us ?
2) We want to be an arm to lean on.
Quite often when the church is working in difficult places with significant socio-economic challenges, war, or in sutations of desperate need for humanitarian aid, the main expense of the church is not financial but the burden they bare of sufferring and compassion around them. We don't pretend to have unlimited resources as a team. Very often we feel our inadequencies, insignificance and frailties. We do however know one who never gets tired and loves us to call on him with our struggles, and anxieties. He is not only custodian of our issues, but that of the whole of creation. There is unlimited provision in His capacity, immediate access to his attentiveness, and total protection in his safe keeping. This is why the bible emphasises one word in 1 Peter 5:7
"casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you."

Is your arm available? Are you leaning on Him, yourself ? or doing things in your own strength? If you are "a good leaner", and ready to encourage others to lean on the everlasting arms we'd love to include you in our little supporting ministry.
3) We want to be a heart to share the vision with. Gospel work, loving people, church planting, pioneering in dark spiritual places, counselling the hurt, giving out without cut off, is exhausting on the heart. We can get compassion fatigue, feel alone in the daily battle. We can inadvertently lose the big prayer, the desire for gospel expansion as we start to desire a more managable, less risky, day to day existance. We need like Abraham in Gen 13, to have our eyes lifted, see God's bigger plans, purposes and provision. We need to see that with a word he created more planets than we can count, and that his family will one day be with him forever, plan accomplished, a family bigger than we can count. Interestingly wherever you go on the globe the night sky is always a reminder that God is building his family from every part of the globe, outnumbering our capcity and comprehension, and one day it will be complete.
Our desire through conferences, spiritual encouragement and good ole fashioned friendship is to rekindle the heart... refresh the gospel goal. We don't offer "rocket science", new technique or great oratory. Our role as a team is remind of eternal reality, the unthwartable plan of God, the directives in the bible that give us wisdom for fruitful livig and above all the beautiful and refreshing presence of the Holy Spirit. We want to be available to share the dream, to see God remind us together of the beautiful simplicity and privelege of living for him.
I'll not forget a pastor at a conference who came to say "thank you" at the end. He said I am amazed at 3 things. 1) How simple this conference was. 2) How clearly I see my life going home and the priorities I must give focus to. 3) What a privilge it is to spend our lives for God and be included in his plans.
When we are close to God, life is seen through a much clearer lens. Are your eyes tired of looking at this world with all its malaise of issues? Do you need to put on your gospel specs to see things more clearly ? If you are a gospel worker and looking to encourage other gospel workers in the greatest of comissions, we'd love to include you as we share the heart of God and "dream the big dream" together.
We are certain of these things, the rest we leave to him.
Praying for you as you look to serve him wherever he has called you to.
Much love,