Luke 5:5-7
“Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking. They signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. "
We've been truly humbled by your prayer support over recent weeks. On return from travelling we expected the dust to settle (or to mix metaphors)... a period of stock taking, as we tried to comprehend all that God is doing before us and so graciously including us in. In reality, the more we reflect... and consider the worldwide work of ACTION, the more we see God at work. The process of assimilation is bigger than us, but within his orchestrated plans. We feel so privileged to be part of his global purposes, and yet so challenged that in many ways this is just the overture, the calm before the missional advance orchestra really kicks off !
We want to include you as best as we can on this (complex) process...because we know you will be encouraged if only you see a glimpse of what we are seeing.I hope through the details as they emerge that you too will see and hear the beauty and harmony of God Gloriously at work.
On one level things are gloriously simple ,,, we have so much to praise GOD for. When all said and done, ministry and mission is only ever about people. As we continue to shuffle and file the myriads of photos and videos taken on travel, I want to share here just a few symbolic photos of the very best of people with you. I thank God for bringing each of you into our lives, love you deeply and I am praying for you as you live for him, and we continue to serve and enjoy him together in his global family.
On another level... Things are gloriously complex: Many doors are opening and mission frontiers are moving (historically and unprecedentedly) on several fronts simultaneously. Things which my father's generation prayed for 40 years over, (worked hard with a passion for, dreamed dreams about) are starting to happen and it is on our watch. We praise God for the prayer warriors and faithful frontier workers whose shoulders we climb on. We are playing "catch up" with God's plans, and need to step it up on many levels to make the most of every opportunity for the gospel in our generation. This makes communication (on a blog) increasingly more sensitive and complex, and so there will be aspects of our ministry that you will never see published here.
The way forward for communication:
Detailed, targeted prayer pointers for each week will soon resume privately from this Sunday, and please get in touch to connect and add your prayer support. It is so valuable, so strategic and the reason we are in such an exciting place for humble and confident advance in his power, provision and protection. We are entering a very strategic season of foundation setting which we pray will set the course of gospel bricklaying for years to come.
Our ethos remains simple... to prioritise what Christ prioritises, to reach the unreached, share eternal treasure with the poor and marginalised (including the next generation), and support those who do the above. Returning to the UK has highlighted what resources and helping hands we have to support the arms of those seeing such gospel fruitfulness across the world, and at the same time it has illuminated afresh the desperate need and spiritual condition of our own nation.
The UK remains one of our most challenging mission fields, and to this end several significant meetings and developing task groups are ongoing as we seek to help the reaching of the unreached and marginalised (UK very much included). We see God's hand in this so clearly, we know acutely that it is where he is also pointing us for future graft. So please pray that our small efforts to encourage church planters, gospel workers, pioneer pastors and initiative takers in the UK will have a multiplied reach and effect on our nation. I am so grateful to the highest calibre of guys for whom this is also a life prayer and priority. Thank you brothers for being such an encouragement (especially in the last 48 hours), and your ongoing vital encouragement of individuals up and down the land/ around the world, whilst being good models of frontier ministry on your own turf.
When we truly consider the plans and power of God, the global village is well within his grip of grace. Whilst it seems too big for us, we live in an age which makes global communication, virtual partnerships and active participation in joint ventures a simple issue of pressing a button. The issues missional churches face in the UK are actually identical to those in other parts of the world.
In all of this there is great synergy.
The new community of Christ is ...
1) Relational: We will continue to prioritise close relationship building for long term fruitfulness and generational gospel impact as we share life on life in Christ. We continue to invest our lives into people not projects.
2) Cross Cultural not monocultural: We are a gloriously diverse bunch. The grace of God is multicoloured and manifold, covering the earth. There are no dress codes here. If you breathe and want to serve Christ ... we praise God for you and would love to pray for you and help/ partner in whatever small way we can. If you want to engage with the culture on your doorstep... whether; Central or South Asia, Doncaster, or Dhaka, 1040 window or a small village in Wales (not even us Welshies pronounce properly), a rural village in the Balkans (heavily populated by goats) or inner-city UK (heavily populated by bad football teams), we are with you as you seek to share the love and truth of Christ.
3) To live out the word of God and the character of Christ: There is such an obvious difference between (repulsive) dead theology which sees many churches die in a generation, and the vital (stunningly beautiful) applied work of God as we humbly submit to him and ask him to use us for his kingdom and not our own. Our God is not seeking a veneer replica of those who followed him in the past or for us to rebuild a museum or memorial to those who did well in the context of a previous generation. He is not interested in building a tribe united around a human culture, leader or group around a micro commonality, but a people of all tribes tongues and nations which displays the unity and diversity of the Sovereign Creator and only redeemer. Head understanding, cultural control and theological OCD will not be enough to turn our nation. OUR SAVIOUR IS ALIVE, and with his total victory in resurrection comes life to the full, global cosmic redemption and his omnipresent imminent help by the gift of His Spirit. Our confidence and provision is in him to go into the future, into his purposes with his fresh daily provision.
Wherever we live on the planet we need the new community of Christ to shine brightly on the hill, so we commit ourselves afresh to invest our lives in line with his purposes and his all giving love to his bride.
“You are the light of the world.
A city set on a hill cannot be hidden."
Please pray for help as we process this, and for 4 specific requests:
a) For meetings which continue over the next few days, culminating in the ACTION UK team gathering next week, that we will know God's mind and heart on these things and the way forwards.
b) For the Team of 15 folks who were not so long ago encouraging gospel advance whilst in Ukraine. Pray that God will continue to have his hand upon their lives, and bless their walk with Christ and work for Christ both in the UK and future days. Plans continue for their desired return to Ukraine, as part of several short term opportunities for 2022.
c) For the special CHRISTMAS EVANGELISM PROJECT which will support those doing amazing things in the Donbass region.
Many of you will have noticed the news, which increases the strategic nature of what many of our friends are doing as they share food, Christ and eternal treasure in him. We will give more details on this wonderful project (which has lead to a fresh church planting network) over the next few days. If you would like to help - please consider pointing people to consider this as part of any Christmas gift offering (Church Carol Service, coffee morning, home group gift). We can send you a presentation and details to help communication. Any monies given via the ACTION office will also be eligible for gift aid, so please do help as you can at this pivotal moment.
The video illustrates the global reach of last year's project and the opportunities before us.
d) Please continue to pray for the ACTION (UK) PLD (Pastoral Leadership Development) TEAM This is a group of UK pastors, church planters, and evangelists who pastor and encourage pastors and gospel workers, impacting the new community of Christ around the world. I thank God for each of them, they are blessing the world each day with encouragement, teaching resources and pastoral encouragement Currently a new season is starting, a season of growth. The reach of this work is increasing as it teaches and trains, writes and informs all with a goal of fuelling frontier mission. So we are looking to God as we refine resources for this next stage of growth in our growing networks and across the world. Do please pray for their strength, wisdom and continued love / unity in the task ahead. We would love what we are developing to be highly useful and fruitful in any culture and context.
Thanks for staying with us when such a lot is happening. Praise God for fruitful days and the promise of more to come.
Luke 5:10
Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed him.
Dear friends thank you for your prayers, which we are acutely aware of.
Yesterday started with chapel service at the Seminary. I always feel at home there amongst the mission minded staff and students, it was like being home from home. Odessa seminary has a great heritage and legacy. It was a delight and privilege to open the scriptures and worship together as we considered our flexibility in God's Global mission of Grace. The highlight for me was hearing from one friend who will go out to serve UPG. Pray for J as she goes to that country. After further time with the staff considering the global role and plans for the future, we headed quickly to the School where many of our young friends go. What a super school, with awesome kids and hyper gifted staff. The fact that this partnership is based on church premises is just the icing on the cake. We look forward to the development of this place. The evidence in joyful, talented and relational children speaks for itself.
From there we went to enjoy valuable time with Vlad and Lillia, their wonderful team reaching out with the love of Christ from Illinka. God has special plans for this special ministry, and we will be writing much more soon. These last 18 months have been hard for many who care for those uncared for in our world. Our world is more expensive, frightened, segregated and independent due to Covid... Some are forgotten about by humanity, but our God is able to break through all barriers. The endurance of some to love the unloved through difficult times is so inspirational to us as a team.
During the evening I had the delight of preaching to YouTube for the benefit of our friends in care homes for the elderly. This new initiative has impacted many, and although started for lockdown and covid, has now grown into a much greater and vital ministry. We praise God for the team who accomplish this and their heart for so many who until now may not have had any interaction in this way. I was so proud of the children in both singing and recitation - our theme was Matt 25 and getting ready for Jesus Christ, and the Joy that being with him will bring.
This morning started with a super opportunity to share with friends at Odessa Regional Prayer Breakfast. This great ministry brings together all strategic folk who love the city, region and country. I was pleased to spend time with a number of men and women with far greater influence, and share publicity my heart and prayer for this great city and country. God is good, and there are many in this land seeking to draw people together under the wisdom of God for the good of the nation.
My prayer as shared this morning...
1) That freedom to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ continues in this great nation - the only means to transform attitudes, hearts, morals and cultural interactions. Jesus Christ is the only hope for any nation.
2) That those spiritual leaders with influence will act in love (John 13:35) with other leaders.
3) That in all local, regional and national government there will be increasing compassion towards the poor. Poverty can be measured in many currencies (not just money), but ultimately 2 Cor 8:8-9 challenges us to full humility in the light of he who was rich who became poor in order that we might become rich in HIM.
4) That Leaders would champion children, those who are forgotten about and unjustly pay the price for the foolish ways of the generation who go before them.
5) That many would shine brightly for Christ (Micah 6:8, Phil 2:15) in a generation bent on destruction and depravity.
Please pray that interviews, media and conference ripples will be helpful as we seek to help this nation from hearts of deep love for it.
In all these things we feel our powerlessness, but in Christ we know with certainty that his power is limitless, his grace is unmeasurable and the best is yet to be. Ultimately this world will never fail to disappoint, but on the evidence of the last 48 hours there are many encouragements that GOD is at work in miraculous ways, and our greatest efforts for him however poor can be used for his glory. This evenings time with children from Church families just underscored the goodness of God. In all 53 children have come to find shelter with Good and Godly parents who shine brightly. This is how lives are transformed, this is the smile of our loving God. Our world is broken, leaders are limited, just men and women like us... but those who walk humbly before our God witness his great power at work in the lives of many.
It's great to relax a little after a busy few days. Please pray for us as we preach tomorrow and look to encourage our dear friends who shine so brightly.
Speak soon,
Much love and sincere appreciation,
Dear friends,
So sorry that communication has been difficult, we do hope to make up for it over the next few days. Any lack of photos so far will now be corrected as we fill in the visual gaps. We are safely in Odessa and so we have much to thank God for as we transition in mission. Transition House is a suitable place to lay everything before the feet of our God again. This is the place where it started for many of us, an impossible task with a group who felt their incapability. Yet... like ABRAHAM, nothing is possible with GOD. When we sign up to his GLOBAL PLAN OF GRACE, there are no boundaries too big for our GOD.
Therefore we offer 5 things which encourage us as we transition to a new mission season in God's overflowing plans and provision.
1) GOD CALLS US, 1 DAY AT A TIME to live in his macro provision, but when we look back we see his hand is at work for all eternity.
Today we left TERNOPIL region at 6 am, driven by the experience of Pastor Viktor, we arrived safely, well fed, and joyful in the springlike conditions of Odessa. The sun shone, especially as we reviewed our time in the North.
When people sign up to a mission team, they often do so not knowing who they will serve with but in faith God orchestrates a team. He ordains good works for us before the dawn of time.
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
EPH 2:10
More accurately we are under the hands of the master craftsman. God has orchestrated this team at just the right time in just the right place. Our world says that we are here by accident, that each day is a random series of events without ultimate purpose. Everything in our lives today points to the opposite. We are thrilled at what small instruments of grace can achieve when drawn together by the master architect and builder.
One of the first jobs was demolition of adjacent buildings and sheds.The team set about trying to demolish a hard standing in the middle of the floor, before situating waste and water pipes, and starting the resurfacing process. This will then have underfloor heating and final scree to function as kitchen and food area.
Everyone had a go ... and commented that it is always easier to tear down than build up, to demolish rather than carefully establish (maybe there is a lesson for us to remember in our say to day relationships).
Over all - The team worked like trojans. The guys who carried the hardcore, sand and cement did an amazing Job. How many 15-18 year olds do you know who step up to this task willingly ? I am so grateful for these guys in so many ways.Maybe to some this does not look a significant achievement, but from our perspective - a giant leap has been taken into making this former derelict home of 1 person into a functional community home for many.
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
As I look at parts of the scree, I wonder if we could've been more perfect, but the key important thing is solidity. People need to know when they place level 2, 3, and 4 that level 1 is secure. In our MISSIONAL GOD we build on perfect solidity. Nothing will be wasted, nothing will be careless in his plans.
This was particularly true yesterday when we met with PASTORS ? PRESBYTER in TERNOPIL. It was a delight for me to be in PHILADELPHIA CHURCH with pastors EDUARD and NIKOLAI. From the first day we met we have had a special bond as we fit into GOD's plans for church planting together. There are few people on the planet I can instantly hit it of with, but even despite our imperfect communication (my Ukrainian is beyond painful) we have a bluetooth wifi connection by the presence of our GOD. I am so excited about what God is doing in this region to bless the country and the world.
When all other buildings fall, the church of Jesus Christ will stand for eternity.
3 ) Those we invest in for a short time can yield multiplied fruit, beyond our understanding. It was great to spend time (even today as we arrived) with friends who have been cared for by church and now are emerging as great young people and young adults. We are thrilled Alina in the way God has led you. Costa we pray for you and your journey to Italy, may God keep you close to himself, bless you and make you a bless you wherever his providence takes you in the world. You are both a great testimony to the fruitfulness of God's work here and in you.
4) FLEXIBILITY IN MISSION CAN MEAN THAT OUR BOUNDARIES ARE ALWAYS INCREASING IN HIS PURPOSES. Over the next few days we have many opportunities with both young and experienced, those listening in to the love of God and those motivated to plant churches and go where he wills. In all these things we have come to expect the unexpected. Can multiple churches be planted in a city or region, can multiple countries now unreached be reached for the gospel - GOD IS ABLE AND HE IS DOING IT. Please pray for us in these strategic discussions.
5) BECAUSE GOD IS SHAPING US ALL, those we are drawn to work with help us become more like Jesus Christ. What thrills me most about the last few days and the next, my British friends and Ukrainian, my colleagues in mission and new found Christian family, is that JESUS is shaping us all, and that means the best is yet to come both in this life and the next.
What was once a dream ( a transition house ministry) , is now an established and remaining rock of remembrance, that God provides and fulfils his purposes,
Our GOD KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING, in all transitions. The question is whether we are submitting to them, and trusting him for tomorrow. God bless your home with his presence this evening...
Love from the corner of the 3rd floor (most of you know the one) where the wifi is brilliant.