For many years the opponents of evangelicalism in Eastern Europe have worked with governments who plot (both overtly and subversively) with FSB and underworld networks to terrorise the church. Those who remain most faithful to the calling of Christ and his mission of grace, are most marked for hatred.
Kidnappings, "freak" road accidents, "accidental" fires, and loss of income are nothing new to "free church" pastors who live in these cultures. Many have lost their lives, incomes and been severely tested in emotional/ mental wellbeing long before the present phase of the invasion.
Present opposition then is not a fresh invention, but a resurgence of historical persecution which remains deeply rooted, and grew such a perverted freedom to hurt and oppress in the heyday of communism. (read a summary of Sergey Kourdakov's story here)
As the present rhetoric intensifies and seeks to justify barbarism in the name of ideology and revived historical dreams and tropes (a growing "pan slavic mega-state" which rules without opposition or freedom of speech), so does the compliant aid of those living in government pockets in both FSB and state Orthodox Church. Remember this when you see the politician kneeling in apparent piety before the Orthodox altar. It is not done in humility but defiance, it is a prayer that the "Orthodox" church will one day rise to rule the land without competition, rule the economy for blackmarket control, and rule the minds of the people for the indoctrination and instruction of anything other than the living word of GOD.
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The Archbishop blesses the satellite. Soon after it lays in the ocean. |
Such a prayer before God, (expecting his help) is an anathema, blasphemous and will face judgement accordingly. To those who scratch the veneer, it is fairly transparent that the prayers of this government which hates believers are not defined by their love of our HOLY GOD in all his compassion, grace and righteous judgement (who protects the hurting, prioritises the poor, redeems and cherishes all those of his creation), but their allegiance is wholeheartedly to another who opposes the living God and everything he is and accomplishes.
Putin is on record as saying to his party that protestants are "scum, traitors, and insects that the Russian people will spit out their mouths."
Gen 50:20 , Romans 8:28, Psalm 23:4, remind us that in the darkest times, when evil, greed and human idolatry seems to reign, God is at work accomplishing his purposes through even the very same means which seem to be fortifying evil. The cross and resurrection of Christ are the ultimate proof of God's sovereign, mighty, victorious hand which accomplishes GOOD. Around the world, in Asia, Africa and each continent this causes suppressed and oppressed underground churches to bounce with the law of spiritual buoyancy, as authentic love, and particularly love among believers (John 13:35) (1 Peter 1:22-2:3) (Col 3:12-13) authenticates the gospel and an explosion of new believers emerge."A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
There has been a awakening in quarters of Ukrainian orthodoxy,
to the historical person of Christ, the distinction between biblical and manmade religion, the nature of society under God's mandate. This coupled with a distancing from Russian Orthodoxy has facilitated a growingly healthy dynamic of freedom and a desire to inquire of and explore the scriptures, talk and work with free church pastors, interact with the new community of Christ. In Ukraine the formal barriers once erected high between Orthodoxy and free church has been dismantling, after all everyone is Ukrainian, and is in this together. This has opened a floodgate of missional opportunity in some quarters, as priests and laypersons alike, discover the beauty of Christ and his Lordship over their lives.
What is our role as we watch on ?
1. Let's continue to pray for those families separated by those who hate the free church. The largest network of evangelical churches in Ukraine is the Baptist network. Whist they are not the only network, in many ways they are seen to take a lead and therefore pay the highest price.
This helpful article from Elijah Brown re: the kidnapping of Baptist Pastor Leonid and Tatyana Ponomaryov from Kurchatov Church, Mariupol (further details here) illustrates the point well. The story is symbolic of many others. Some of the members of the "prayer house" in Kurchatov had been approached (bullied) to open the building for the fake referendum to be promoted and they had refused to use God's resources this way. Typical of such prayer houses is their outward simplicity. The great beauty of God's people shines internally, and in the darkest times, they shine brightest for the glory of Jesus Christ.
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House of prayer Kurchatov |
Pray for the children of pastors.
a) For their safety and protection.
b) For their supernatural enabling to love their enemies and speak well for the gospel in pivotal moments of testing and public audience.
c) For their ongoing ministry to believers who have lost their pastor and his wife. May this be the seed of fruitfulness which reaps increasing fruit in the next generation.
d) Pray for their healing in the trauma, loss and grief. May God put around them those who can help, minister from his word, and point to the ultimate physician who will one day correct all wrongs, and make all things right and new under his impenetrable and loving rule.
e) Pray for those in captivity. May they know the company of THE SPIRIT. Pray that the one who knows how to minister in ways we can't will give supernatural clarity of mind, words internally and spoken from the Living GOD, remembrance of scripture, remembrance of God's faithful people, and the ultimate, miraculous endurance which will proclaim the might of God. Above all may he enable them to suffer like Christ. May others see, know that they have been with Jesus and come to trust him for themselves. (ACTS 16:25-31).
To fuel your prayers read the wonderful testimony of Pastor Sasha Tsutserov (here).
2. Continue to pray for those who work amongst Orthodoxy sharing the good news, joy, liberty and freedom in Christ.
A helpful summary of the situation between Russian and Ukraine
orthodox can be viewed here (don't be put off by the title).
a) That the word of God would be opened and hearts humbled in readiness, and by the Spirits enabling with opened eyes see the plain truth of JESUS.
b) That society either side of the frontline would see the distinction between dead man made religion and the authentic work of the Spirit of GOD.
c) ACTION is currently preparing to print both evangelistic and training materials to aid those who share the gospel amongst friends from an Orthodox heritage. Pray for this material, and if it is appropriate for you maybe you would like to aid the printing of this through our PLD / Bookshare fund?
3. Pray for those who lead the church either underground or in public forums.
a) May God enable them to be wise as serpents and as gently harmless as doves.
b) May wisdom be granted for leaders to circumspectly protect God's people at the same time as advancing courageously for the kingdom.
c) Pray for upcoming pastors encouragement conferences where we seek to strengthen the arm of those who deal directly in these things. We run a fund to enable transport and subsidy to these events for those Pastors struggling to attend due to finances and circumstances,. For us this is a helpful way of showing our practical partnership and love, and maybe you would like to be part of that giving too.
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