Saturday, 12 October 2019

Part 1 accomplished

Hi Friends,
So sorry that the program has been so concentrated and packed, that it has prohibited us from keeping you up to date. This morning we were up at 5am to encourage 4 of the team travelling back from Lviv. Just about now they should be taking off and reflecting on what an awesome God we have and what an amazing trip this was. There have been many meetings, many sermons plucked out from the file, some seriously strategic encounters and ministry training sessions with Pastors, leaders, many 1:1's to encourage great evangelists, youth workers, church planters and people who are sharing Christ in their day to day, workaday world.

 There have been many youth meetings, schools visited, orphanages visited. 
Above all there has been one Lord directing our steps and making it an exceptionally profitable time.

 This church network (Ternopil region) is at a crictical stage of expansion and growth. 
We are planning to return in the Spring and we would love an army of helpers to come with us. We are praying for this and  would love...
1) To ecnourage folks here who find a home at age 16-19. We hope that in Spring - God permitting (and funds permitting) we will rennovate the second downtown transition house for the boys, this would be a huge gospel opportunity here. This lads / men's minsitry has massive potential not just for this town and church but for the region - We need helpers- Come on lads, book your time off work for this - you won't regret it!

2) We would love to continue to encourage the girls, and show longer term faithfulness and friendship in a world that doesn't. The love and gratitude we have received as a team, is trully humbling and shows the genuine appreciation and spiritual encouragment / fruitfulness of our efforts. We need women and teenage girls to help us encourage, please come with us in the Easter holidays.

3) Zach (and his sidekick of a Dad (Jon)) along with Alun have been amazing at going into schools and orphanges - often travelling significant distances but returning energised late at night, knowing that the gospel and love they share had been greeted with open arms and open hearts. If you are considering whether this is worthwhile, be encouraged by Zach who  extended his stay and booked a different return flight (a week later) to do more of this amazing stuff.

 We praise God for Elijah and Sasha in this work, and would love to encourage further. They have asked us to do much more next time on learning how to speak English. This is very attractional and advantagious for gospel opportuniies here, why don't you join us, and mix speaking English, making friends and sharing Christ in practical ways ?... not hard and hugely rewarding.
4) We have built up a large friendship network of Pastors, Leaders, Church planters  and ministry leaders in a short space of time, If you are an Elder or Pastor in a church , I'd love to hear from you as we build a small team to train some of the modules in more detail that I have outlined this time (biblical theology - pointing to Christ from all the bible, systematic theology, pastoral theology, servant leadership) Please pray about helping in this furtile gospel opportunity as we seek to encourage and raise up many new leaders for this region.

Oh yes... and I nearly forgot we did a bit of DIY.
An awesome team achieved so much. We plasterboarded all 4 bedrooms, and the corridor, then filled, sanded, and plastered (sadly only 3) . We've completed 2 rooms, nearly a third and left the final one for the very capable lads here. Pray for Dima, Sasha and the boys as they pick up the batton on leaving.

Here's a short video of the work completed...

God is so, so good, and we are so grateful that in his Big worldwide family we have discovered some awesome people,  who show Christ to a world which so needs him. Give thanks for all that he is doing. 
I will update on some specific situations as we have time, but for now 3 of us move on to the next phase of our trip, please pray this will be as equally helpful and fruitful.
God bless,

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing it's been to share and work with the brothers and sisters here. We have witnessed the love of Christ in so many hearts, and a genuine outpouring of God's grace through fledgling churches. People have been so appreciative, we could have filled out time here at least twice over.Pray that the Spirit will continue to unite us, and to prosper the Good News in Kremenets and Tirnople. We will be sad to leave. Tomorrow Kiev!
