Weekend Blog
ACTS 20:23
"And now, behold, I am going to Jerusalem, constrained by the Spirit, not knowing what will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and afflictions await me."
There is a huge difference between "planting" a church and pastoring a ministry which has a rock solid authentic reputation for being good for the community, and ministering the fragrence of Christ to many. The difference is bigger than just an elapse of time, it is about intent.
Over the last 30 years, (and especially at the turn of the century) the activity of "church planting", (starting new churches) entered something of a renaissance in the UK and USA particularly. In fact it became big industry. Networks concerned with "where to", youtubes concerned with "how to" and conferences telling you"what to", sprung up everywhere. Whilst high profilers talked as if they had discovered something (that in reality was 2000 years old), their trades suddenly hit something of a reality check, as time elapsed.
The truth is there is a world of difference between planting and ministering, between starting out of the blocks, and breaking the tape of the marathon. Some of us began to wonder whether we were reading the same new testament as some who gained prominence. The superstars talked only of success and supersize, but the apostle Paul seemed to be talking about sufferring, struggle, and scars. Ministry is about vulnerable authenticity, being and serving like Jesus, it is not a teflon coated, testosterone injected display of self fulfillment. Is it any wonder then that those who pretended to be the "iron men" of the church planting scene, have in subsequent years fallen well by the wayside. Some are so sadly in the ditch of scandal. Some have reinvented themselves in a new church businesses rebrand (in the hope that we forget previous mess), yet they leave in their wake a trail of damaged people behind them.
Fearfully, (and I pray humbly and gently, subject to Christ) I suggest two key distinguishing marks which may seperate the wheat from the chaff.
1) COMPASSION: True ministers of the gospel of Jesus, soon display an understated but unmistakable evidence that they are here to minister to brokenness. Helping broken, "messed up" people and situations, takes time (sometimes life-times). It dips extensively into the emotional overdraft. You generally won't find a trail of helped people behind "celebrety saints", because this has not been their priority. Another stream of new books (or ebooks) may not be the thing the world needs most, maybe what it really needs is a pastor, a man, a faithful friend who will stick with them closer than a brother.
2) FLEXIBILITY to help a team. True ministers of the gospel build other people up rather than getting others to boost up their ministry.
There is a world of difference between serving a team so that they grow (to be more effective and fruitful than you have ever been), and treating your team like an entourage. Beware of folks who refer to "my team", my staff" "my leadership" or "my church". Ultimately we are "HIS team". This means we as pastor / leaders, church planters and servants of the gospel are in a supporting role not a starring one. We can only be effective in long term ministry (and surely pleasing to Christ) if it is always about looking to playing second fiddle, doing yourself out of a job. It appears to me that the apostles excelled in this, yet contemporary culture seems to often ignore it. I am alarmed at the increasing bombardment of young men in gospel work being told to be more "assertive", to "step up" in the role, to "make it their own". It would appear to me that the church has become much more synchronistic than we dare realise.
For homework: (Acts9:28-30; 13:1-5, 13-16, 44-46; 14:1, 7, 20-21, 25; 17:1-15; 18:5-8). Consider the evangelism team Paul is part of. Scholars note at least 100 on the team. Note also how Paul often includes personal comments, footnotes / post remarks at the end of epistles illustrating the depth of multidemnsional pastoral concern. It is always about people not programs, a flexible network not a self contained infrastructure.
The Humble Pastor - People Dynamic:
Eph 6:21-22, Phil 4:2, 18, 21-22, Col 1:1, ESPECIALLY Colossians 4:7-18 "fellow servants". 1 Thess 2:1-2. 1 Thes 2:17. 2 Thess 1:1, 2 Tim 4:9-22. Titus 3, ESPECIALLY Titus 3:12-15, PHILEMON v23-24,
Incidently my observation is that in countries where the church is growing most, pastors are paying the primary expense through imprisonment and persecution.
Yes there are times to show leadership, to instigate, to pioneer, but also there are times to be ready to be nothing more than be a "stand in", to support others to take the leading role (even in the areas you feel most confident). At that moment it is time for you to do the unglamorous job you find more difficult. Sitting side-stage is sometimes a painful thing to do, but the church is ultimately built by Him and not our ego. Don't mistake pain for being unprofitable. The end goal is not to build a kingdom for us, but to give away... to offer back to Him what he has given us to steward. Our role is to see others flourish. This is how His kingdom grows. In the final act of this world, the words we want to hear are not "well done, you starred all by yourself", but "well done, good and faithful servant."
In the beautiful village of Illinka, North of Odessa, near the South coast of Ukraine, are Vlad and Lilya. (Many of you will know our wonderful brother Pastor Daniel at "blogadot /Grace" Odessa, and his great music ministry through the church and seminary. Daniel is Lilya's father). They heard the call of God to share Christ in a place with many needs, demands and few resources.
The village is a rural setting, where it is common to see goats, chickens and livestock secured to lamp posts on the main road.
It boasts a beautiful civic centre harking back to its Soviet history...
and a small small local store that services the entire village network from the corner of the road the church is situated on.
Sadly behind a scene of apparent tranquility lays a story of historical turmoil, sorrow, and social depravation. The original intention for the work was to plant a church with an attached orphanage. The area has many chlldren but fewer parents and multidimensional social need. A common story is a home filled with children, but no Dad or breadwinner. There is extensive skill shortage, to provide for and take care of the family in a consistently good way.
It was not long into church planting that God challenged the assumed vision. Was the set direction merely a human one, where the team prepared to fit in with God's plans ? Was this really what the village needed ? What would serve people best here ? What would commend Christ best here? What did GOD want here?
The team prayed hard, and over time clarity emerged. The greater need was for 1) Food and 2) Education, which displayed the love and compassion of Christ. Education would be a tool for, expressing, understanding supporting and authenticating the shared gospel of Christ.
The answer (in this situation) was to turn some of the ground into a smallholding farm and school / community play area. The church itself is a beautiful design (a smaller version of grace Odessa).
The grass in front of church is great for kids to play and social gatherings.
(Here utilised by some of our team being shown up as they try to play football with some lads).
The desire of the the Illinka team was to make this space a haven for the community, a place where children came to be safe and enjoy.
They decided that the best way forward was to grow healhy produce for the village, and start a kindergarten school which would provide children with an opportunity to stay in their existing situation, but also recieve love, good meals, and high quality input into the foundations of their young lives. This is turn would give them an opportunity at least to enter into mainstream education and ultimately find employment.
one of the lovely classrooms after "home time" |
The team retrained to teach and offer social care, and over recent years this has transformed the village, in many dimensions. The team are here for generational work, the "long haul" and that has produced gospel fruit, with many locals, families and observers coming to Christ.
Until relatively recently the questions were all about expansion... what next ?... but then COVID.
Caring for many... Vlad and Lilya were one of the first to suffer with illness. Praise God that over time recovery has been full, but this extremely painful period revealed more than ever, the need for team ministry. The trouble with any pioneering mission, is that this mode cannot be the permanent state - it is not sustainable for the long term. The school was ordered to be closed under lockdown and is currently forbidden to open under government directions (which obviously impacts both mission activity and income). Many families in the village were ready to batter the door down, passionately pleading for reopening the lifeline of the village, but inside were a staff needing respite recovery, and unable to help.
Seeing the emergency issues that impacted so many, Dennis and Victoria (also Pastor Daniels daughter), took the Christlike step to give up their family home in Odessa, and renting it out (for income for utilities expenses at Illinka) moved into the closed school. Dennis has been using his skills to teach woodwork to the lads which has kept them out of trouble on the streets, at the same time started a boys bible class. Here they are having a discussion group meeting in the greenhouse after a bit of woodwork, whilst the house was quarentined.
Lilya, Victoria and the family have nursed the team back to health so that they have been ministering to the sick and taking meals, supplies, medication and care to those who have been ill. The ladies ("sisters") group have done an amazing job.
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Sisters group led by Lilya lower left |
The team have learned to do church without walls, taking people to the hospital closeby (ambulance service), supporting the local doctor, expanding their network to other villages and families (Ismail village), and generally learning to ve flexible in a huge crisis without infrastructure. Praise GOD for this team. May this in the long run increase the network of believers in many unreached villages.
There has been a huge cost to the team. Byram (our faithful brother who was previously full time assistant pastor) is currently driving a taxi for income. The local clinic is small, and to serve locals well in complex medical issues they have also been helping with travelling and medical expenses where possible. The tireless work the team does, comes out of their own pockets, the best food is shared, the best crops and stores used for the the sick.
PRAY that this act of sacrifice by the team will in time see many folks come to Christ. Pray that this sacrificial seed sown will continue to melt the hearts of the hardest, and nurture a new generation of children who understand and emulate this visable illustration of gospel character.
We praise God for this team, and the impact of God's people on the village at Illinka and wider. WE need to pray hard for provision at this critical time. THIS WEEKEND OUR FOCUS IS ON THIS. If you would like to help, we can show you how to do so (please don't hesitate to get in touch).
We know that where there are authentic servants of Christ, there will contiue to be authentic fruit. So we pray in confidence for the future, not ignoring the very real pain and cost of ministry, but seeing in faith that in the economy of God nothing is ever wasted.
"being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." PHIL 1:6
THANK GOD FOR PEOPLE LIKE VLAD and LILYA who stick at the task so faithfully knowing that GOD is with them to completion.
Pray with us for Illinka, and this faithful team.
May God bless you this weekend, wherever He has called you to serve.
With gratitude for being part of such a great team,
We will resume Monday, with a series on the planned way forwards into 2021.
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