Friday, 13 November 2020

Sergio and Lena Makogonyk


Yesterday we talked about the price of compassion. The truth is... that loving people is always costly. When we consider the love of Christ (John 15:13, 1 Peter 3:18) it is not something we can be nuetral about. Either we ignore it, and trample on God's grace towards us (living for ourelves, synchronising with a world who looks after no. 1) or we respond to it relationally, radically, (in the knowledge that such love is transformational). 

Christ had nothing to gain from us in loving us. In "giving himself up" for us (Eph 5:2, Titus 2:14), He did however fully know the cost (everything in obedience) (Lk 22:42)  and yet deemed it an equitable exchange in the economy of God's love to lay everything down for our salvation. Have we been seriously transformed by the love of God ? I ask you as I ask myself, Is there something evidencial today in our demeanor and interaction with others, that gravitates towards grace rather than judgement? Is it obvious that you and I are transformed in the life of Christ, the astounding beauty of his grace ? 

Is there hope when we look inside and see that selfishness, and self centredness which are only too natural for us? The answer is Yes... but only in Christ. We will never become truly transformed people through trying harder, or become more grace filled  / compassionate people through telling ourselves off.  We are not the good news here, or the answer, but Christ is. Where would we be without JESUS?

Galatians 2:20 says 

I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live,

 but it is Christ who lives in me.”

In one sense that first moment we truly see and truly receive the love of Christ at the cross, we are transforemed people. Our worldview, our view of ourselves (as those who caused the cross of Christ - and the need for payment of sin) has to be different. But... there is another sense in which this initial work of Gods' Spirit must be revisited and grow in us. We need to repeatedly return to the cross and face the self realisation and ugliness of what living for ourselves looks like. 

We never graduate from looking at the cross. If we think we don't need it - it is the time we need it most. When we live in pride of this sort, it is like we are disfiguring humanity in our own lives all over again. Every time we live as if we ruled the planet, and ignore the God who placed all humanity on this planet in his love, to bare his image, we are forgetting what it cost Christ to redeem the image of God in our lives. We need to grow in these things, the perspective of what we look like in the face of Christ, the glory of the people we are called to be in Christ.

As these things become more healthy, one of the wonderful transformational works of God in us, is that we stop caring obsessively about ourselves, (living for ourselves) and start living to see the Image of God not only restored in us but restored in others also. This is the gorgeous work of Christ. Our growth in Christ is imperative for an ugly, self centred, broken world needing compassion and grace, our lives become transformational for others when we "get grace"!

 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, 

but in order that the world might be saved through him.

John 3:17

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 

Phillipians 2:3-8

DAY 12 Prayer:

Today we pray for Sergio and Lena. 


 Many of the team will remember Sergio from our final seasons of completing transition house, Odessa. Sergio and Lena are a super gifted couple.        

 They were friends, mentors and guides to many of the young people connected with Transition House, Grace Homes,  and Hope House, and are still greatly loved, long after they have moved on. Lena had what would be termed on a CV, as a "wide education", She had empathy with our young friends who have lived on the streets, first hand knowledge of what it is like to live and play around a building site or disused property. Along with this "practical cleverness", Lena trained to be a teacher and educator, starting her first job in Fontanke. Sergio is one of those super talented guys who turns his hand to just about anything. Trained in buisness administration and finance, he was the one who got transition house books into a good place and set it on a great trajectory. He did the same for churches, and was one of those gospel minded treasurers that every pastor dreams of, not only sorting out the mountain of paperwork, but knowing the value of people. 

Sergio also speaks great English and was our interpreter on many trips, translating at meals, in construction, at shops, at the seminary for me, and numerous other contexts (including opera houses and restaurants). 

One of the great things about brilliant translators is that they get tone and dynamics in conversation (they smile, do deadpan, tread with compassion, deliver slowly for the whole gathering, wait patiently when the discussion has mega-importance.)

 It was sad for many of us (including Sergey K and the ministry tream, youth and childrens teams at Fontanke Baptist) when God redirected Sergio, Lena and the family far away. It is never easy to give away your best, but God has honoured the way the church blessed their obedience in going where God was calling the family.


Since December 2018, the family have dedicated their working lives to Woodstock Christian Academy in New Brunswick, Canada. One of their specialist areas of ministry is to help those with special educational needs and those with disabilities. Some of these disabilities are deemed by some as severe enough to prohibit a regular mainstream education. Sergio and Lena work hard with these families, situations, and individuals to show compassion in the name of Christ. They seek to progress and stretch each individual according to their capacity. 

The greatest rewards for such patient work are not only seen in the changed lives of these very special children (and their growing gifts/ interactions),  but also in the impact on, and thankfulness of many parents. (Incidently many of the parents would not have by choice applied to a christian school, but are so glad they did.)

I am mindful as we pray for the family that the first drops of snow in N B will be imminent, and this area is renowned for its great, ginormous depths of snow. Thank God for Sergio's new gift and hobby (snowploughing), and pray it will be a blessing to Him, the family and others this winter.

  • Thank God that the ministry in the school has grown as have the children involved.
  • Thank God for getting the family through the initial shock and settle of this gigantic move and the way God has blessed them to others, and blessed their obedience in going. Especially thank God that the boys are doing really well, and Nazar is doing brilliantly with his English.
  •  Pray that the family will receive permission to stay in Canada now the work is growing, and there is impact for the gospel. Application has been made but is very slow. Pray this goes through.
  •  S and L ask that we pray that God will give them wisdom.
    • to be good parents for the boys.
    • to be good teachers and role models at the academy.
  •  Do pray also for health, for the family, not only in this season of covid but with some recurring issues that are awaiting treatment.

"Lord... Thank you for your transformational grace and our many friends accross the world today so transformed by you, that they themselves are living out lives of sacrifice and compassion, to your glory.

Lord transform us more by your grace today, that many others in turn will be impacted and transformed by your love and grace through us in days to come,

May these be days of fresh transformation, to your glory, 

May YOU be all our Joy, and all our identity. 


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