Over recents blogs, you will have picked up somthing of the pressures and stress that many of our good friends are dealing with at this time. In truth, the more good things people are doing, the harder it has been for them when the local situation and economy has nosedived.
There are many kinds of sufferring, some self made. This is very much the opposite, this is about the best of people, doing the best of things but struggling in a season of extraordinary trial upon trial.
We will return to news from the East of Ukraine sooon (and especially the plans to restore the work and provide a gospel humanitarian aid center at Sirotino, and minister to many in dire and critical need). For these next few days tho', we want to bring our thoughts to have a personal focus. When the kingdom of Christ grows it is about people not projects. This means that when tough times come, the critical thing is that people suffer. Godly people, those who lead people, (initiatives, good compassionate ministries that are helping many),those who give their last to serve the most, suffer the most. This is where we want to concentrate our prayers at this critical time. I know some of it will be hard to read, but please persevere and use your freedom and comfort well.
Many of you already will have heard me talk about my good friend Viktor a lot. There are few people that have come into my life, who I have instantly regretted not knowing sooner. Viktor is one of those guys.
Meet the family and where they live:
There are 7 in this home, Viktor, his wonderful wife Myroslava (great musician and mum), their 4 children (Arsen is now 21 at University) and Myro's mother. They live on land which has a colourful story stretching back many generations of Myro's family. They live on an elevated rise with a great view of the community they serve, pray and give themselves for.
Understand the place.
Home for Viktor is the city of Kremenets, Northern Ukraine. An historic backdrop with an incredible heritage which includes a castle, ancient Jewish settlement, stunning monastical / religious architecture, numerous art and treasures, Polish, Russian and contemporary infrastucture.
I'm not sure Kremenets could have told a fuller story in History. Until now many would've pointed to 1941/42 being the lowest of points for this astoundingly beautiful place.
In a desire to rid the whole city of its Jewish population and attachments, German forces torched the biggest circle of inhabbitants they could coordinate. Today, from the lofty vantage point of the castle, you can see the boundary lines of an eerie and dreadful event. This was a large, prosperous, artistic, cultured, astute, and God fearing city reduced to a fraction of its footprint, and a large pile of ash in an unfathomable act of rage, violence and terror. This incomprehensibly large area that marks the murder of so many, is now a memorial swaithe of green tranquility. Holocaust memorials, and poppy filled fields are rightly well known and remembered in Europe, but Kremenets as a place is at least equally worthy of contemplation and sober remembrance. The present city is obviously much smaller than what it was, maybe the size of a medium sized town in the UK. It is were 21,235 people call home, and the hub of many more in outlying villages.
Recent history.
Only in recent years have homes begun to stretch out into the former Jewish territory, and new houses began to be appearing as stone coloured pimples on a pastoral canvas. For many years this region has been the poor economic cousin in Ukraine, rich with rural landscape, a great place to grow veg and keep chickens (nearly everyone who can does), but lacking contemporary corporate / global investment. What makes Kremenets beautiful has also kept it relatively poor. However until very recently, when things were starting to look up. The possibility of EU attachment and new buildings ,hospitals and small businesses, IT support and infrastructure were starting to emerge. more recognisable logos were springing up on high street corners, and avertising boards. Then... covid came, and overnight - incomes ceased, progress came to a shuddering and inujring halt.
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The best of men (Pastors at Kremenets) |
Viktor heard the call of God to leave his successful and well respected ministry in Rivne region. (Incidently where many of our friends come from who have also been helping the situation in Donetsk and Luhansk.) (see blog)
God had laid on his heart the spiritual situation of Ternopil region. 1.4 million people. At that time the church was preportionally minute, getting significantly older and needing a radical new day/ injection of life from the younger generation. Of course sometimes when we start praying, we discover that we are ourselves part of the answer. Soon Viktor was leaving everything again and following Him.
The church at Kremenets has was reaching out to orphans in the state system who were in need of help. Like the transtion house in Odessa, the church started to build a place. Young lads moved in and came to know Christ. The building was far from finished, and this is where we came in last year. Praise God that the finished building has been used so well for the girls and currently 16 girls are receiving care, love and encouragemnt. They are growing into amazing women of God who share the story of His grace in numerous ways. Becuase of our faithful friends in the Uk we were able to purchase a second place downtown, and because of the covid Crisis this has come into operation sooner than expected. Currently 12 Boys are living in this building. Sadly only 3 rooms are currently functional. We are hoping the UK / UKRAINE and COVID situation becomes clear enough that we can soon take our team of amazing guys to work on this place and make it fit for others to be helped and reached. There are a minimum of 12 extar young people on the shortlist who want / have applied for this help next year.
The church under the leadership of its 3 pastors has grown significantly in recent days. Unlike many churches that grow through people hopping from one church to another, this is organic, indigenous growth. Many people and espcially young people coming to Christ.
When lockdown is not in operation, the place is full or young life, children new Christians, new church members and initiates to reach others. The photos are of recent extra youth prayer meeting (on top of the regular program), and new members group after recent baptismal services.
Notice the ages of those present.
A huge chunk of the congregation disappears on a Sunday when you are preaching there, and this is an immensely good thing. Many. many children disappear downstairs for their activties, and those who teach them are a growing army of capable young leaders and their mentors. Our prayer is for 200 children, and that is fast becoming a reality.
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Pastors Network Conference, Ternopil Oblast FEB 2020 |
Because gifted people soon get recognised, Viktor was asked to lead the work of
TERNOPIL OBLAST (become regional pastor), as well as lead the team of pastors at KREMENETS. He has done a great job in being a shepherd of the shepherd, a servant of the servants, and both are growing. The vision is to impact the whole region with churches revitalised, mobilised in mission, and planting many churches in places where they are so desperately needed, both URBAN and RURAL. This again has gathered momentum in a wonderful way. Just these last few months, the gears have shifted, the network has increased, the unity to plant new churches and work together has become focussed and purposeful, younger men are coming into ministry and seeing huge imapact in folks coming to Christ in previously unreached places. We are working very closely with this wonderful, vision and work of GOD, and will continue to support in every way possible. These are the best of men focussed on the best of targets. Daily there are wonderful fresh stories of God's goodness, and people coming into the family. (Acts 2:47).
Like many pastors in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, there is need to find a "tentmaking" income. For a regional pastor this is extreemly challengeing. It is not always possible to be choosy with what work to take on when it is so vitally needed for income, but when demands are high both locally and regionally, how can a man balance a fulltime job with two full time church posts, and still churn out quality sermons, pastoral care and strategic initiatives ?
Until very recently Viktor has been able to have some income as part of a franchise offering an IT / Software solution to this rural heartland, helping farmers make the most of land, and seasonal changes. This was helpful in its flexibility to give time to pressing matters and the burden of the churches. However... at the begining of coronavirus, this changed dramatically with the company had to pull out of Ukraine to concentrate on its American market.
We are praying hard with Viktor and his family about the future. We know God will provide, but today and now the need is a pressing one. As Viktor so eloquently put it... "we are right to only worry about today...(Matt 6:34) but there is a very real hammer that hits your head every day and all day... asking what about tomorrow?"
Could you help?
1) Please pray.
2) Any entreprenures or business owners out there ?....fancy supporting a new initiative with us? Fancy branching out to Ukraine when the brexit crisis rumbles on in this non EU country?
We are looking into several possibilities for new sources of income, To support the planting of churches and pastors. We are seeking to use the ANGLO - UKRANIAN exchange, with excellent translation services and intellegent workforce. Maybe you have a speciality or idea? Those with a knowledge of rural issues (farming, machinery, tractors, practices etc) or Mechanics, second hand Car dealers and enthusiasts? VEHICLES (there are many opportunities between the countries and churches), would be particualrly helpful. These are talented, honest, hard working guys. If you want to support the kingdom of God through business, I can't think of a better place to do it.
GOSPEL OPPORTUNITY: People are watching this situation. People who have been challenged by the biggest turn-around in young people's lives because of the gospel of Christ are seeing if the sovereign God (Viktor puts all his faith in) will honour Viktor in this very testing time. Every extra day of challenge shows the keeping power of God, prompts new conversations, sees another trust in Christ for themselves, but each day brings increasing need. Maybe you could be part of the answer with us. People are asking huge questions about life ande certainty, many are tuning in on the internet. We want to make the most of this opportunity.
Illness, bereavement, loss, trauma, crisis, heartache are rife. We want to care for our brother, who not only cares for those who bury loved ones, and lose what they have, but he cares for those who care, pastors those who take funerals, guide churches through lockdowns, help churches make ends meet. He has enough on his hands without added pressures of provision for family and friends. We want to encourage our brother to keep the main thing... the main thing.
LORD PLEASE HELP US TO SUPPORT THIS, (THE WORK OF YOUR HAND) AT THIS CRITICAL AND PIVOTAL MOMENT... so that we will be able to look back, see what YOU did and give YOU all the glory.
PSALM 78:4
we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
his power, and the wonders he has done.
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Junior Choir |
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